On an upgrade trip to the Skagway Police Department in Alaska in the mid 2000s, Dave was sitting in the squadroom with a couple of officers talking about ways PolicePro might be improved. We do this all the time! Sergeant Ken Cox had a question: Can’t we somehow keep track of incident related photography and maybe other content somewhere that you could find it with PolicePro?
Well, what would that look like? It occurred to us in the room that what Ken was talking about was sort of a digital File Cabinet where each whole case is stored, next to but distinct from, all the other cases.
File Cabinet has been our biggest hit ever since, in every agency we’ve ever had. When a police car is damaged, graffiti pops up on a school wall, someone’s mailbox is destroyed overnight, officers take digital pictures and just drag and drop them into the File Cabinet. They become part of the relevant case and, as usual, can be found and reviewed right from the Dispatch Ticket.
When the Chief comes in the next day and wants to see the patrol car damage, he or she can check it out from their office. If another police department has arrest or investigative paperwork on a guy being looked at, copies can be stored right in the File Cabinet for the detectives. A surveillance video from a gas station robbery can be stored – and played – within File Cabinet. It is an amazingly useful feature, and as usual, the idea came from a working cop with a problem to solve.
- The most popular PolicePro feature ever added, by far
- Store photos, documents, audio, and video files for efficient retrieval